You are cordially invited to attend the XV. annual cancer research conference, which creates an interdisciplinary platform to exchange and disseminate knowledge, meet your colleagues and collaborate with Czech and international experts involved in research, diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors.
Dates of the event: NOVEMBER 25-27, 2019
Venue: Hotel NH Collection Olomouc Congress
Legionarska 21
Olomouc 779 00, Czech Republic
The program of the conference will include:
- New anticancer drugs
- Medicinal chemistry of anticancer drugs
- Molecular targets in cancer
- Cancer chemoprevention
- Chemoresistance of tumours
- Advances in cancer diagnostics
- Prognostic and predictive biomarkers
- Cancer genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Pathogenesis of cancer
- Targeted biological therapy
- Translational research in oncology
Oral presentation: unless otherwise specified (e.g. for invited speakers) regular presentation is scheduled to 10-12 minutes of talk plus 3 minutes for discussion. Speakers are recommended to prepare slides in MS PowerPoint software.
Poster presentation: poster size – A0: 841 mm (width) x 1189 (height).
The best oral and poster presentation will be awarded by the Cancer Research Foundation Czech Republic (vyzkumrakoviny.cz) with price equivalent to 20.000 or 10.000 CZK, respectively, at the closing ceremony.
Please note that the organizer does not provide accommodation. We recommend you to stay in hotel NH Collection Congress. If interested in staying, please contact reception via email with subject “ DDPEO 2019.
Hotel special rates:
Single room – 79 Eur/ night
Double room – 89 Eur/ per night
Other options for accommodation:
Hotel Flóra (2,3 km from the venue): www.hotelflora.cz
Hotel Ibis (2,6 km from the venue): www.ibis-olomouc-centre.cz
Hotel Clarion Congress Olomouc (3 km from the venue): www.clarioncongresshotelolomouc.com